import pyautogui
import imageio
# Set the duration of the recording in seconds
duration = 10
# Specify the frames per second (FPS) for the video
fps = 10
# Specify the output file name
output_file = 'screen_recording.mp4'
# Get the screen resolution
screen_width, screen_height = pyautogui.size()
# Create a writer object to save the video
writer = imageio.get_writer(output_file, fps=fps)
for _ in range(int(fps * duration)):
# Capture a screenshot
screenshot = pyautogui.screenshot()
# Convert the screenshot to a NumPy array
frame = imageio.core.util.Array(screenshot)
# Add the frame to the video
# Close the writer to save the video
print(f"Screen recording saved to {output_file}")